Hi All, and hi Al (one of you is bound to be called Al) So here's the deal-io. I bought a few old Premier cymbals without even knowing if they're brass or bronze or who knows what. I've been looking for a 12" HH Super-Zyn for a while now without success so decided to get these Premier cymbals (pre Super-Zyn or any other Zyn you can think of) These are from a time when Premier distributed Zildjian and I want to say Zenjian? But they also offered a budget line of cymbals and I think this is what these are. I have no idea. I wanted a 12" cymbal from around the same era as the Super-Zyn 12" that I have (to make mini hats) I considered Zilco 12", but they're kinda expensive (I don't want 12" hats that badly) Anyway, I saw these on eBay UK and decided to buy them. They have some stamps in them that say Premier and Premier 26 Guage. I don't know much about them, but they were cheap enough so I thought why not?!
Maybe there is somebody out there who has some more information on these cymbals. By information I mean, are they B20 or not? That's all I really care about. :)
There is a 12" (first 3 pics)
a 13" (4th and 5th pic)
Thanks everybody.