I picked this up at a music gear swap back in February and hadn't gotten around to posting a photo of it, but the thread about the vintage Camco inspired me.
Checking out CL and responding to ads that had older DW pedals for cheap, picking up distressed ones, etc, I have seen so many variations of the classic form. It seems that when I think I understand the evolutionary progress of the pedal from Martin Fleetfoot to today's cast behemoth, I'll spot some variation, dead end or other oddity.
This cost me $5. All it needs to become functional is a new spring assembly. To be as new, replacement bearings and maybe replace that sprocket cam with a strap cam.
If you are not a student of the Martin/Gretsch/Camco/DW5000 in its various forms, the weirdest thing about this baby is that hinge, which has bearings in each of those black housings on either side. Maybe a precursor to the current shiny red hinge?