So I guess it's not a big deal, but I got to tell somewhere...
A few weeks ago, I found this ad for a white Phonic Plus, in really good condition. I love that set. The guy selling it was ok with my bid of 550, because it was the minimum for which he'd sell it, but he said another guy was coming over to pick up some hardware, and he might also take the shells along because it'd mean a lower price overall.
So I waited for a week to hear what happened, even told him I'd be willing to pay more if it made a difference, and I was bummed to hear the guy bought the lot.
In the meantime I got my Premier Elite, which I love, even though it's very different of course.
Thing is, I just looked on ebay, and "someone" is selling exactly the stuff I wanted to buy... Trying to sell it for over twice the price (1250) he bought it for! :mad:
I know 2000% sure this is the very set, because he is also selling the exact same hardware he bought.
Even IF it's worth it (I think it could be), it's just freaking frustrating. He just bought it to make profit from it. I wanted this set, really much. To play it, to use it and enjoy it.
I can't afford what he's asking for it, especially since I already spent my drumset money a week ago. And even if I could, I'm not sure I'd even want to. Even though this is pretty much (one of :P) the kit(s) I really want over many other kits.