:) I picked up the new set! Here are a few pics. It winds up the shells, all but one, are 5-ply Maple/Poplar/Maple/Poplar/Maple from the pics I saw on the Slingerland drum shell article. One of the 12" concert toms is a 3-ply Maple/Poplar/Maple with reinforcement rings. To my eye the finish is Maple - looks like just a light varnish on the Maple finish. I obviously have some work to do on the heads...I was forced to use what came with it as they only had one 24" head in stock. The reso is a 30 year old batter head that had a big rip in the center...I have a powerstroke 3 in the mail coming and I'm thinking emad reso..not 100% sure yet. I'm probably going to go RIMS mounts also...I was thrilled to see the set came with most all the original hardware - 3 tom arms, a tom stand, bass drum double tom mount, and even an original cymbal stand but the limitations of the hardware compared to what I'm used to was a little frustrating. Anyway, here they are - thanks to all who have thrown me info this past week as I sent a few questions out there about the set!

The sizes wound up being 8x12 (2), 9x13, 10x14, 11x15, 16x18,18x24