
I'm trying to identify correct tension rods for my late 60's Dynasonic snare. Could someone that's knowledgeable please take a look at the pics in the following link :

and provide input or comments ?

The rod on the top in pic # 2 is one from the set that came on the late 60's Dyna that I recently purchased. These rods have a slightly more square shaped head, slightly longer non-threaded portions, and thinner (removable) washers.

The rod on the bottom in pic # 2 is a close up of the set shown in pic #1. These rods came off of another late 60's Dyna that was recently parted out (for parts) on ebay. These rods have a longer threaded portion, a stubyer (more rounded) shaped head, and a thicker washer, and the washers on these rods are NOT removable.

Both have the correct threading for the Beavertail lugs. I'm just trying to figure out which one (if either) is correct for my Dyna. I don't know - maybe they're both Rogers tension rods - just from different eras.

If anyone can help me with this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
