Hi friends,
First post here, and hoping for some help. Title sort of says it all. This will be it -- my do anything/everything go-to ride cymbal. Mainly for jazz, but I'd like it to be versatile enough to allow me to squeak by in other genres. Have old K 13" hats, 16" crash, 18" crash/ride. This will complete the set, as it were. (Was previously using a 20" '70s-era A.)
Having a very hard time finding "the one." (That one's probably not for sale!) I find these mp3s through my little computer speakers mostly uninformative. I think I've eliminated some possibilities that way, but I can't pull a >$1000 trigger based on what I think I'm hearing. That said, here's a contender:
What do you folks think? Any suggestions for me???
P.S. If someone strongly believes that (given what I've already got) 20" is not what I should be after, please let me know...
Thanks a bunch!