Ok fellow drummers... forum friends and web site visitors....

The time is now for some help, pleeeaaase... I need articles, stories, personal stories, drum history, drumming stories, gig stories, personal life drumming lessons, anything related to drums, drumming or percussion, cymbals, gongs, cowbells, wood blocks, triangles, timbales... etc... I think that leaves the topic open to ANYTHING drum related.


Because I need content for the web site and other web sites to try and help defer costs. Yes, the donations help and I'm forever indebted to the people that have stepped up to the plate.

This dedicated server is not going to make it the full 2 years. I need to go up to the next server level to handle the traffic and this forum.

I was talking to a professional server administrator and he worked with a large forum that runs 3 dedicated servers to keep it running smooth!

There are forums with 100,000 members or more and they are in the 1 million post category.. We are no where near that level and personally I do not want to even think of the costs associated with running a forum like that.

If you have been online and lost a connection, that is because I have to reboot the server to free up memory. I usually try and do this after 12 a.m. every 3 days.

I have options to have a professional take a look at the server to see if they can find the memory leaks. $75 1/2 hr and or upgrade to a server that can hold more RAM.

The articles will go on any one of the 50 web sites now linked to the main web site.

I will be giving more details on how all this fits together with all of the projects I have been working on.

There are exciting times ahead and I have pulled in another webmaster to work with me on building the network of sites and upkeep of all of the different social networks, blogs, guides and experts sites.

The Drum Experts Network of Drumming Sites

Thanks for getting this far!
