Looks to be Ludwig but I'm not sure what exactly and I can't see the details well enough to tell for sure. The floor tom looks like it might be a converted 12x15 marching drum and as such it would have had the small lugs. An 8x12 tom also would have the small lugs although that almost looks like the newer style badge on it (the floor tom badge almost looks like it could be a "transition" badge from 1958-1960 with the blue oval logo). The bass drum is a bit odd looking. I can't tell if it has the larger lugs (which they should be) or the small ones but their placement seems a bit "off" as though they are too close to the heads. The badge is likewise oddly situated for a bass drum. Possibly some type of conversion from a floor tom , marching drum, or other 18" shell. For comparison here's a picture of my 14x18 bass drum.
Shells should be three ply with Re-Rings if they are vintage enough to have the smaller keystone badges (assuming they are old ones, I really can't see them that well) and "factory" white interiors. They look to have been re-wrapped regardless as Ludwig did not offer that color back then.
It doesn't match any catalog set from any era but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Even if pieced together (or converted) from various Ludwig drums of roughly the same age it would be the same as a catalog set as all the drums were made the same way with the same wood layup and edges. My guess is that this was someone's "project" at some point in time. If they sound good then I wouldn't sweat the rest.
Let us know what the insides are like. Re-rings would indicate vintage drums (or else brand new top of the line Legacy Ludwigs...which seems unlikely).