I’m considering purchasing a Ludwig Legacy mahogany kit. So I went to the Ludwig website and saw a diagram of the shell. It says the plies are 1/16” thick mahogany outer ply, 1/8” poplar middle ply and 1/16” thick inner ply. My question is how can a 1/16” thick inner ply of mahogany have that much influence on the sound of a drum. Let alone the same 1/16” thick outer ply. It seems to me that the Legacy kits sound are more affected by the 1/8” poplar ply that’s the ply the head would have more contact with.
Ludwig Legacy mahogany nw Ludwig
I'm no expert, but I think the rounded bearing edge is a bigger contributor to the sound. I think I can tell a difference between a mahogany inner ply and a maple inner ply. The mahogany seems to have a lower fundamental note to my ear. I believe the Legacy shells are modeled after the WFL shells. I've heard great things about the Legacy kits.
My mahogany Legacy sets are pitched a bit lower than my maple Legacy sets, FWIW.
I agree that the inner ply of mahogany would have a much greater influence on the sound of a drum than the outer ply. The 30 degree bearing edge would have a greater effect than the inner ply. Would be an interesting experiment to have a three ply poplar shell with the same ply thicknesses and 30 degree bearing edges to see how close to the legacy’s they sound.
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