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Ludwig Japan snare from estate ... any clue?


hi folks, I'm new here. I am a smalltime music producer and trying to acquire a few respectable options for drums at my studio, just skimming ebay and CL. I just bought this snare drum. As it's from an estate the owner has no real information about it. I was hoping that one of the gurus here might take a passing interest - I don't delude myself that it's very valuable, probably one of many similar japanese snares, however I gleaned from the internet that they can be of good player value when cleaned up. True?

EDIT: I'm really a know-nothing about drums, it took me a while to realize that this is most likely some other brand of snare that someone jury-rigged a Ludwig part onto. I would delete this thread but i can't figure out how. Oh well!

Posted on 10 years ago

Hi Goldenrule and Welcome to the forum!

You're 100 percent correct that you have a MIJ snare drum with a Ludwig strainer, which is the P-83. The drum has no real value in and of itself. There are many MIJ snare drums that can sell for over $100, depending on originality and finish. I've got a few really cool MIJ drums in my collection! Since yours is in a very common color and also has extra holes, I'm not sure that it's worth much, or anything. However, the P-83 throw-off can easily sell for over $50!

Hope some of this was useful to you.


Posted on 10 years ago

That snare (not the Ludwig strainer though) - was made by Pearl before 1968. Those lugs are quite rare. MIJ/Pearl but not seen very often at all.

I had a great day! Instead of sleeping in and wasting the day, I got up at 8 and I had all my slacking done by noon!

Posted on 10 years ago

Photo gone. Listing ended.

oh well.


Thanks to Mr. Jerry Jenkins
Posted on 10 years ago
Posts: 5295 Threads: 226

From green glass drum

Photo gone. Listing ended.oh

Click on the link and scroll down a little...You`ll see it...


1976 Ludwig Mach 4 Thermogloss 26-18-14-14sn
1978 Ludwig Stainless 22-22-18-16-14-13-12 c/w 6-8-10-12-13-14-15-16-18-20-22-24 concert toms
1975 Sonor Phonic Centennials Metallic Pewter 22-16-13-12-14sn (D506)
1971 Ludwig Classic Bowling Ball OBP 22-16-14-13
1960's Stewart Peacock Pearl 20-16-12-14sn
1980`s Ludwig Coliseum Piano Black 8x14 snare
1973 Rogers Superten 5x14 & 6.5x14 COS snares
1970`s John Grey Capri Aquamarine Sparkle 5x14 snare
1941 Ludwig & Ludwig Super 8x14 snare
Posted on 10 years ago
Posts: 1725 Threads: 135

The throw off is indeed a P83 but this one is from a Ludwig Standard snare and has the later logo stamped into it. Exactly the same as a 60s item but from a 70s model drum.


Golden Curtain
Posted on 10 years ago

Wow, thanks for taking an interest! I'll be interested to see how the drum sounds - if it's diggable for recording I'll keep it around, but if not perhaps I can check around to see if anyone is interested in the strainer.

Thanks again - Casey

Posted on 10 years ago

Nice drum, nice buy.

Nothing new to add about the provenance; yep, that's a P83, my favorite Ludwig strainer, and it's in great shape compared to most of the ones I see.

First thing to so is take the hoops and heads off, and rub some Feed-n-Wax on the bearing edges and inside of the drum. Those were made of thin lauan plywood, which gets brittle when it dries out. The Feed-n-Wax helps the wood be less brittle.

The drum should be a nice oddball addition to your studio's sound palette.

If you're handy with mechanical things, remove the strainer and throw it up on eBay. Any cheap replacement strainer will work fine for the drum and you'll probably come out ahead on the whole deal.

When I looked on eBay for P83's I couldn't find one for under $75.

Early '70's Slingerland New Rock #50 in blue agate (20-16-13-12)
Late '50's WFL Swingster/Barrett Deems in black/gold Duco
'70's Slingerland Gene Krupa Sound King COB
early '70's Ludwig Acrolite
'80's Ludwig Rocker II 6 1/2" snare
Rogers Supreme Big "R" hi hat

Posted on 10 years ago

Great little drum nice p-83

As for those seldom seen lugs

in the boneyard here there are two old mij shells

one is a 12" red sparkle mounted tom

the other is a aqua blue sparkle snare drum

Both of them are wearing Norma badges

the mounted tom is club date/stage band style

using (one large center mounted lug) with longer tension rods

because of this, they are identical in size and shape to the snare drum

2 attachments
Posted on 10 years ago

You guys are an incredible knowledge trove! Starship Krupa I will take your advice about treatment of the drum and finding an alternate strainer - I'm sure this one could go to a better home.

Have a great 4th weekend everyone,


Posted on 10 years ago
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