How do you all do? Well, I recently bought a Ludwig 5 piece (no snare though) off of ebay, but the seller didn't know what model it was or what year it was made. He said that he bought it from someone else in the early 80s, so it could have been made then, but the wood finish, lugs, and tom mount look strikingly similar to Ringo's set from the rooftop concert in 1970. The tags on them are black and white (circa 1980s according to other forums I have seen) and the serial numbers are 6094295, 6096837, 6094281, and 6093509. If there is an archive site that anyone knows of I'd be glad to look it up myself, I just can't find one. Another noteable thing is that the kick petal that came with the set has a leather strap instead of a chain, and the beater has begun to disintigrate, so it would make sense if it was fiarly old. Any help at all would be excellent.