Might be a moot point, as the drums aren't listed on that retailer's site at this point.
But as far as the Century bass drum. You could buy them with no mounts or spurs or you could order them with whatever mounts and spurs you wanted if you wanted them. Same with the Classic bass drums, as well with toms. Floor toms came with legs. You had to specify what mount, if any you wanted. Or you could buy them with eye hooks to us them as a marching drum. There was also a single tension version of the Century bass drum and the catalog states that the 28 x 14 came supplied with "eye carrying hooks" which would be used for using it as a marching drum. So, you could use them any way you wanted, and configure them with the appropriate hardware for that use.
If you were buying one of the preconfigured configurations in the catalog, you didn't have to spec anything, as that was all part of the package, but when buying individual drums, you have to spec and pay extra for the mounts and spurs.
As far as age, given the badges, they would be early 60s (although they started painting the interiors white around '63) up to about '67.