It seems that both Ludwig and Leedy were selling brushes with the “Synco” name associated with them in 1923 (Ludwig) and 1924 (Leedy). Is it possible that Synco was the supplier’s name? I realize we have thought that Synco related to the word syncopation, but if both companies were using that word for a similar product, it seems to me that there could be trademark problems. Was there a Syn company? Anybody ever see the Leedy "Synco wire jazz felt sticks"

Below is a quote from May, 1924 that includes Leedy’s new accessories and a little background on how they develop their products.

Music Trade Review, MAY 10, 1924 – source - arcade-museum.comLeedy Mfg. Co. IssuesNew Dealers' Helps SeriesDescribe New Traps Recently Gathered byCompany—Two New Medium-priced DrumModels IntroducedINDIANAPOLIS, IND., May 5.—The Leedy Mfg.Co. has just announced several dealer helps forthe Summer months. Geo. H. Way, manager ofthe Leedy sales department, gives a brief descriptionof them as follows:"It is the drummer himself who introducesnew traps and not the manufacturer, as manysuppose. However, it is the manufacturer whogives it to the dealer. A certain trap will appearin use by a drummer in a certain localityand, even though it is a very good one and hasbeen proven practical, it never reaches out overthe country until some prominent manufacturerhas taken same in hand. Very often it is incrude form, having to be improved upon andmore often it has to be built in the mannerthat will give it a reasonable price. The LeedyMfg. Co. is always on the lookout for newideas for the drummer which will in turn helpthe dealer's drum department."We do not allow personal judgment to decidewhether it may be good or not, but rathergive it a test by actual use among several drummersthat they may discover its worth. Thefollowing fifteen accessories have been gatheredtogether during the past months: (1) a new'two-way' jazz felt stick that has a felt ballon the butt end; (2) the popular Flex-A-Tone;(3) the Socker cymbal holder; (4) a new cowbellholder for holding one or two cow bells;(5) a new slapstick that has a wider strikingsurface; (6) a good neck cymbal holder forjunior outfits; (7) a junior wood-block holder;(8) symphony model tympani sticks; (9) ajunior pedal; (10) the junior sling, constructedof a very fine webbing with new adjustable features;(11) tympani model bass drum rods withcenter supports; (12) the jazz felt sticks withthe round felt ball on the tip end; (13) theSynco wire jazz felt sticks; (14) a new trapcalled Jingle Clogs; (IS) the Presto improvedsnare strainer for drums."In addition to these traps the Leedy Co. haslately introduced two new models in reasonable pricedstreet drums, the Regimental and theMilitaire; also a new fifteen-by-three Juniorsnare drum called the Nifty. Elaborate printedmatter is being prepared on all these articlesat present, and as a further dealer help quantitiesof same will be furnished upon request."