Hello Frankenkit
here is a few seller's pics of the Kimberly kit
the second being a closer pic of the badge (sticker) on the floor tom
and also a pic I took of my own Frankenkit
Decca tom standing in for a missing psychedelic lava pearl drum
also the lugs on the Kimberly kit add to some confusion and differing opinions
They look very much like Star but do not mate with Star rods
they are certainly a style that is not seen very often on the Hoshino kits
Save for only the snare drum ..which has lugs that I believe to be the same as yours
Most often on the Hoshino kits they stuck with two styles of lugs
One style would be like those on the Decca tom ..the bass drum floor tom and mounted toms would have that style while the matching lugs for the snare drum would be like those on my Kimberly and your snare drums
Here on the Kimberly kit there is what I believe to be a factory mis-match
between the bass and tom lugs and the snare drum lugs
The other lug style Hoshino used pretty often
and tended to show up on slightly higher grade kits they produced
seen here on this Tiger's eye Hoshino made "Matador" kit
a style where as the snare drum lugs resembled very closely those on at least some Roger's dynasonic snares
and some of the tower model drums as well
the bass and tom lugs carry the same ridge styling
but as can hopefully be seen, round out at the bottom more like the Star lugs do
There are to my knowledge, two variations of this style lug casing
the first generation are those pictured on the tiger eye kit
A newer variation shows the same styling in a slightly slimmer casting