Hi gang, i researched the Zildjian logos but i need experts to tell me what i have. The first 2 wide and tight pix are the 18" and the last 2 are the 24". Can you tell me what era they are from please?
Looking for pros
The first one
is one of these A Zildjian Made in Canada trademarks without the country of origin added:
Read more on Canadian As: http://black.net.nz/avedis/avedis-gallery.html#canada
The second one
looks like a late 50s Small Stamp:
Read more on the Late 50s: http://black.net.nz/avedis/avedis-gallery.html#small
It could possibly be a mid 50s Large Stamp in which case a ruler will tell you because those are almost 2 inches tall.
Read more on the mid 50s Large Stamp: http://black.net.nz/avedis/avedis-gallery.html#largenodots
I find the late 50s small stamp and the mid 50s Large stamp without the 3 dots are the tricky ones to tell apart if you don't measure them. Others may have better diagnostics than I do for that.
Did you find my site? And were you using it for your ids? If so, clearly I need to do some more work to make identification details easier for those unfamiliar with identifying trademarks.
Excellent, i owned many Canadian Zildjians and the had the "made in Canada" stamp. This one doesn't have it.
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