Here's a cymbal I found a while back, marked "Kapriel Kazanjian & co. Wurlitzer, Sole Factor", 15. An article in the Nov 1924 Popular Science Magazine has a small photo w/ captions, telling of Kapriel, an Armenian, who "claims to be the only man in America who makes real Turkish cymbals". This was in Buffalo NY.
Kapriel Kazanjian & co., 15", made in USA,1920's
Interesting find. I guess you can put that in the where are they now file. How does it sound?
Legacy Drum Shop - For Drummers By Drummers
It is a very thick heavy, rigid cymbal, w/ a voice like a high pitched metal plate. It reminds me of the type of cymbal that was attached to a bass, & struck w/ a foot pedal beater, or the cymbals that were put inside automatic player, self contained band machines. Could possibly be part of a marching, or orchestral pair. It is not like anything one would find on a drum set after the 30's.
Presumably, as an Armenian, he was a victim of persecution in his homeland, and escaped to The New World. The Wurlitzer stamp on the cymbal, might indicate that it was part of a Band Machine? It is smoothly finished cymbal for it's time, lacking the extremes of hammering that others, I have seen, show.
Leedy also sold Kazanjian cymbals in the early 20s
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