I like Remo Coated Powerstroke 3's for both bass drum heads. They have a built in muffling ring and sound really good.

Here's a friendly tip: If you have a 20" bass drum there, I find it's better to cut some width off the muffling ring on the head. I like Remo products, but the one thing I DON'T like about them is that the width of the muffling ring on the Powerstroke 3 (and 4) heads is the same, regardless of the diameter of the head. It's 2" wide, whether it's an 18" or 24" head. On 18"s, it's waaaay to much muffling for me, so I end up cutting half the width of the ring off all the way around, leaving a 1" muffling ring intact. That really helps open up the sound. For a 20", I usually cut off 1/2" to 3/4" of the muffling ring (leaving 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" muffling ring all the way around). Again, it really helps open the head up and not sound so "boxy". For 22" bass drums, the muffling ring is perfect as is. I like my bass drum to ring out slightly, more of a "controlled open" sound, if that makes sense. I have never been a fan of the "cardboard box", completely dead bass drum sound.

Good luck on whatever heads you choose. You'll be proud to play that kit! I think we all would be!