I was listening to the radio today here in little ol' NZ and there was a lady being interviewed over the phone. She was nominating her "greatest song ever written" which they do every weekday. The person talks about where they live and what they do and then talk about their chosen song.
Well this woman from the small town of Picton (pop 2928) originally came from England and works here as an illustrator. She chose her song (Anita O'Day - Boogie Blues) and explained that her father was a great drummer and that her grand father started a drum company in the 1920s. The company was Premier and his name was Albert Della Porta. The interviewer just let it slide by and that was that. Her dad is Cliff Della Porta who also worked at Premier and did a fair bit of drum inventing from what I can tell.
I'd say she would have some great stories to tell and i've at least alerted their music reporter that it might be story worth following up.