I find most hardware bags to be too long and/or bulky to handle comfortably. Also, they are usually fairly expensive too. I have come across a solution for a lighter weight hardware bag that works great: A small keyboard bag!
I use this bag, which is made for a small, 49 key keyboard. It's dimensions are 35.5" L x 12.75" W, 5" H. It's also very well padded and well made, has an nice sized outer pocket and backpack straps:
This is a good size to hold and carry. It's similar to the size of the bags that come with the lightweight hardware packs like the DW Ultralight, Yamaha Crosstown or the Tama Classic. Most of those bags are only 25" or 26" long, but are otherwise roughly the same. Having the extra 10" or so of length allows you to fit a pedal, throne base, throne top, stick bag and some accessories. I really like mine, and I got it at a very reasonable price; they go for about $45 brand new online. The Yamaha Crosstown bag and the DW Ultralight bag don't have any exterior pockets, which is kind of lame. I love the exterior pocket on this keyboard bag!
Just wanted to share this tip with you all. It works great for me, and although you can't fit a ton inside it, and it's obviously not meant for a super heavy load, it will work very well if you have lightweight, vintage or flat based hardware. Just to give you an idea of the capacity, I use mine for 4 Yamaha Crosstown Cymbal Stands, a Yamaha Crosstown Hi-Hat Stand, Yamaha Crosstown Snare Stand along with a (foldable) Yamaha strap drive pedal, lightweight throne base (Mapex Rebel), throne top, floor tom legs, tom arm, small stick bag and a few small accessories, which I utilize the large front pocket for.. It's full but is still holds everything I need. I have also used it with my Ludwig 1400 flat base stands and 1123-1 Hi Hat Stands, and also my Ludwig Atlas (first generation, with flat, non-tubular legs) with very good success.