Here is an old 20 x 14 bass drum I was fortunate enough to receive today. It was being used as a type of tom for recording purposes hence the floor tom legs being attatched.
I think it may be from a Beverley set but I am unsure. I do like the lugs though, having a very slim, streamlined, vintage look to them.
The shells appear to be birch, three ply, 5mm thick with solid reinforcement hoops, 7mm thick. One ungluing slightly.
The tom mounting hardware isn't there, but from the hole pattern had mounts for two toms, the one on the left still has the rubber gasket on it! Bonus.
Nice wrap! More WMP? Not really is it. The extra holes from the FT legs, will probably require a rewrap though unless I can work around it somehow. The previous owner has thoughtfully placed the FT leg brackets over the bass drum leg holes which might help restoration and mask the FT holes if the original wrap is somehow kept. I HOPE SO!
The actual tom mounts are lying around somewhere on this planet, throw them my way please if you stumble over them!
and Righty:
So if anyone knows who manufactured this drum Olympic perhaps? Please let me know, even stabs in the dark appreciated.