I can't imagine what reasons for not updating and correcting incorrect information on a website like this would be, but I'm going to stop trying to help people with this stuff if the reference information, here, is going to turn out wrong. People looking for help will stop coming here if we give them wrong answers. I hope there is a way to update this stuff so we can maintain our reputation as the most legitimate source for information about vintage drums! Glad to hear VCF is doing well. I'll most certainly check it out.
Slingerfan meant the Vintage Cymbal forum of this site not some different site. This thread is a good example of decade out of data info and the reluctance of some people to move on.
Of course all the old posts are still there and they never move on. This is why I've given up on a discussion forum as the best style for presenting well curated and summarized information.
The catalog and price list scans on the sister sites of VDF are correct data (provided the years are attributed correctly which they aren't always). The rest of the summary information and interpretation can be a decade or so out of date. The cymbals info on sister site site vintage cymbal guide
is sparse but at least the fact that very little is there means that very little is misleading. The most misleading is alas the most commonly sought brand
where unique terminology has confused a number of people. Having chosen to use Type 1, 2, 3, 4 for what we call Pre Trans, Trans, Large Stamps, and Small Stamps. Transitional trademark stamps themselves have 4 Types adding to terminology confusion. So people unfamiliar with current terminology mention these Type numbers and people who are familiar with the current research and terminology just get confused.
In case you start to get confused, compare this to my work
which is itself outdated and in the process of replacement by Cymbal Wiki (in my signature). Having started this process I can sympathize with web site owners who don't want to keep things up to date. It is a big task. I've pretty much given up posting here so I can concentrate on building the new wiki.