OK, so you've got a vintage kit with a sparkle finish comprised of a bass drum, rack tom and snare drum. Everything's original on it, including all the hardware. As noted, you're missing the floor tom.

One day you decide that you want to add a floor tom to the kit made by the same manufacturer during the same time period. The problem is, every time you buy one, the sparkle finish doesn't match, since your three drums were rarely used, never left the house, and have been kept in soft cases FOREVER. There is little to no fade on the sparkle finish of the three you've currently got.

You give up on trying to find an actual floor time that matches, but decide to purchase a floor tom shell from the same manufacturer and same time period. You then contact several of the known drum wrap places, request samples of their sparkle finishes to see which ones, if any, will provide the closest match to what you've got. Miracle of miracles, you actually find one that will work very nicely.

Your task now is to decide how to apply the wrap to your vintage shell. It's a choice between the adhesive method v.s. the high-bond tape method. You investigate the re-wrapping process thoroughly and, after countless hours of reading contradictory stories and testimonials from both drummers and wrap companies alike, you're no closer to deciding which method is better than you were when you first started.

This is where you drum experts come in. If you were in this situation, which method would you choose and why? Again, it's only for one drum, as the rest of the kit has the original wrap in pristine condition.

THANKS in advance for your input! Help2