OK, I'm going to try this thread again. I was trying to post that I've been working on a project that started out so cool and is starting to turn into the 12 labors of me ;-)... I was happy to recieve a MIJ bass and floor drum a couple of years ago and thought I would put together a set for my neices and nephew since I had a extra snare and tom to make it a complete set. Well, years later and more $ than it would have taken just to but them a new set, I am again embaranced to say that the bass tension rods I bought from a forum memeber was wrong. That said if anyone has some 5 1/8 tesion rods they would be willing to part with, I have 16 - 4 1/2 inch one I can not use right now. I'll post this in the trade area too if it's allowed. Thanks for listening .