so i just bought what i thought was my "end all-be all" kit.
1965 Ludwig downbeat 12/14/20 with a matching pre-serial 4x14 downbeat snare in sky blue pearl.
now i only bought this kit because a gentlemen who i was supposed to buy another kit from never contacted me.
but (of course) just my luck..he recently called me asking me if i'm still interested in his kit.
he has a 60's Rogers cleavland era set in silver sparkle. i think its 12/16/20 with a 5x14 cob powertone snare.
but let me tell you. his drums are the mintiest drums i have ever seen. not only do they not have a single mark/no pitting of any kind (even on the snare) but they all have the original heads on them and he's including the cymbal l-arm and the original kick pedal and high-hat stand.
i'm 90% sure he's the original owner of the set.
so here in lies the problem..
should i:
A) sell my set to buy his?
B) try to save my butt off and hope he doesn't sell them?
c) keep my set and let this relic go?
i simply cannot decide..
what do you guys think?
Cooked Egg