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Glossary of terms!



From Red Sparkle Frankenstein

The important thing is that you enjoy making them look their bestSoap Box

1960's SONOR 12-16-20-14 blue slate pearl
1968 LUDWIG 12-13-16-22-14Sky blue P
1972 LUDWIG 12-13-16-22-14BlueVistalite
1972 LUDWIG 12-13-16-22-(14 impostor)BlackPanther "SOLD"
1964 Ludwig Oyster Black Pearl 22-12-13-16-14Supra "SOLD"
1969 LUDWIG 12-13-16-22-14 Citrus Mod "SOLD"
1969 LUDWIG Sexto-Plus 8-1 0-12-13-14-15-16-20-20-14 Silver Sparkle
60's Majestic Delux 12-13-16-22-14 red pearl
2009 Homemade Kids 8-10-13-16-12 Orange Sparkle
24 kits, 80 Snares, 65 Cymbals
Don't tell my wife!
Posted on 14 years ago

So if I am taking the shell of a Gretsch COB, the die-cast hoops, the 8 lugs, but I am ditching the use of a micro and butt in favor of a Trick GS007, does it make me a drum renovator. I am restoring it sort of but I am making it better for me as a players drum. I am going out of my way and being patient by trying to have someone fabricate a retroplate for me so I don't have to drill the shell. That is something I would have skipped in the past and did so. I don't want to put any more extra holes in any more vintage stuff so I have seen the light. I am secretly hoping this drum will be awesome when finished because I probably could have bought a nice, new Gretsch for what I have paid for all the parts separately.

Gretsch Nitron Glass New Classic 2010 8/10/12/14/16/22
Yamaha Cherry Wood Recording Custom 1987/2005 8/10/12/13/14/16/22
Ludwig Black Diamond Pearl 1966 5x14 S.S./13/16/22
Gretsch wood finish 1959 5x14/13/16/22
Slingerland Radio King Capri Pearl 5x14 Radio King
Gretsch Silver Sparkle Catalina Club Bop 2008 18/14/12/10/5x14
Gretsch Silver Sparkle/Black Stripe Catalina Club Mod kit 22/10/12/16
Posted on 13 years ago

From JohnG

you list OBP Oyster Black Pearl shouldn't that be BOP Black Oyster Pearl aka Mr Starkey, who i just saw last week tearing down the house at Radio City..............

The original name was Oyster Black Pearl, commonly mistakenly referred to as Black Oyster Pearl, and eventually that became the accepted name. I think drum companies started calling it that as well by the '70s.

You can usually tell the age of a drummer and how closely they paid attention to catalogs, by who uses the term in its original, correct form.

It's like the term font. We all know what is meant when we use or hear it, but what we actually should be saying is typeface. A font is a collection of the characters of a specific typeface, not the typeface style itself.


Posted on 13 years ago

Going back on this thread...I've always heard a wing nut was exactly that: a nut (that would screw onto a threaded rod or bolt) with "wings" on it, like what goes on top of your cymbal post, most likely.

And a wing bolt is a threaded bolt with the wings, likely used on bass and tom mounts and legs.

Now, someone tell me why we call the "female" nut that screws onto a bolt a "nut"!!!

My kit:
Ludwig Vistalite Big Beat set consisting of:
14” X 22” bass, 16” X 16” floor tom, 8” X 12” ride tom, 9” X 13” ride tom, 5” X 14” snare
Ludwig 201 Speed King bass drum pedal
Ludwig 1124 Spur-lok hit-hat with Ludwig Standard Paiste 14” cymbals (760 & 770 gr) with ching-ring
Two Ludwig Standard S-270 cymbals stands
18” Zildjian crash cymbal (1550 gr) and 20” Zildjian ride cymbal (2130 gr) with CAMCO sizzler
Gibraltar motorcycle seat-style drum throne with backrest
Posted on 13 years ago

Hmmmm, beats me...., :confused:

Gary G.
1963 Ludwig Gold Sparkle Hollywood Kit
Ludwig Collection: 10 Vintage Snare Drums, 4 Customized Vintage Snare Drums, 4 Vintage Foot Pedals, 1 Single Value Bugle
Posted on 13 years ago

I would call yr wing bolt a thumb screw.

Posted on 12 years ago

Thanks, very helpful info.

Posted on 7 years ago

Def. given to me.

Re-ring is short for reinforcing ring. They are installed inside the shell, typically on the top and bottom, and help to keep the shell "in round". Slingerland used maple reinforcing rings on their 3-ply shells. They were NOT used on the thicker 5-ply shells.

Rock/Jazz Drummer - Pro from Nashville in 80's, hacking for fun today.
- Kit: 1986 Pearl MX-9 Series; Paiste Signature cymbals (original owner mid-90's)
- Roland TD-7 Electronic Drum Set (original owner)
- 1965 Slingerland White Satin Flame 20, 13, 16 w/all original hardware & Zildjian cymbals (2nd owner)

Actively seeking early 70's (or 60's) Slingerland drum sets in very good condition and classic Zildjian cymbals.
Posted on 7 years ago

How about MIJ - Made in Japan

Heck, when I first saw that, I thought it was a brand!

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 350 Threads: 33

How about "FUBAR"?

Often found in the school system.

1974-75 Rogers Starlighter IV New England White 13/16/22 (w/Dyna)
1964-67 Rogers Blue Glass Glitter 12/14/16/20
early Oaklawn Camco Blue Moire 12/14/20
1926 Super Ludwig 5x14
1960-ish Ludwig COB 5x14 Super Sensitive
1960-ish Ludwig COB 6.5x14 Super Sensitive
1970 Ludwig COB Cut-Badge 5x14 Supra Phonic

Looking for a Camco Aristocrat SD in Blue Moire!!
Posted on 5 years ago
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