I tried at least one of those ( whichever I had on hand, I don't recall which it was) as well as lacqer thinner and hardware store acetone. I could "dent" the image but not remove it. The sanding didn't work too well either as far as that goes.
I can't speak to FiberSkyns because I've never tried removing the logos from them. My son has them on the toms of his bop kit but i won't experiment on them without his permission. I can attest to the fact that I used Goo Gone to remove the logo from a Remo coated Ambassador bass drum head with very little effort and it didn't affect the coating. It took under 5 minutes including a couple of applications of the Goo Gone to get all the smeared residue off. Since the Goo Gone dissolves the logo its only a matter of wiping it off. I'm surprised you had such a problem. I wish I could test it myself to see how it differed from what I did.