I just COULDN"T stand it any longer---

I bought the rather trashed 12/16/20 kit off CL about 15 months ago. I then spent the last year cleaning, polishing, acquiring parts, and groveling with Way gurus (thanks Dolfan54!). And I'd still never seen or played them.

Oh, and the mess of parts that have been accumulating in my office...

FINALLY, even though I'm only about half way done, I decided I wanted to see what this kit looks/sounds like put together. I gathered up some spare heads, used some plastic washers and re-built myself a George Way drum kit!!

See the pics .... ExcitedExcitedExcited

The sound isn't vintage (yet), but I'm thrilled so far!

Lot's more to do:

1. Convert 10x14 to floor tom and re-finish

2. Replace plastic washers, acquire new heads, etc.

3. Create more George Way lugs to replace Camco lugs

4. Decide about re-finishing all four drums and additional Way snare

Thanks to all those who have helped thus far!