Hi all,
I played a Ludwig Hollywood kit at my high school that sounded just amazing - the quintessential Ludwig sound. I'm pretty sure the kit was built in the late 60s / early 70's. I'm now researching buying a kit.
I THINK I'm most interested in the 68 and slightly newer shells at this point, I like a bit more focus in the sound but I'm trying to decide what years I'm going to target - but would love to hear from you Ludwig experts. I've heard good things about 58 - 61, mixed things about mid-60s, mostly good things about late 60s - mid 70s.
[*]Please share - what shell eras are your favorites and why?
[*]Does anyone one know how long the 68 magic period lasted, like a year range?
[*]The production boom post Ringo that effected quality control - how long did that last?
Thanks - J
[SIZE="3"][SIZE="1"]According to the Ludwig shell guide: "Beginning in September / October 1968; most shells were made with 3-ply Maple / Poplar / Maple."
"Change back to natural finish interior except for the Standard series which changed directly from white paint to granitone."[/SIZE][/SIZE]