So, I`m driving and see some Custom A`s sticking out of a cycle bin on the sidewalk. I stopped, picked them out, and saw Two A`s with bad chunks missing all the way around. They are Custom A`s with serials. One is a 16" crash/something not readable, the other is an 18" crash/something...
Anyways I need a new set of Fat Albert hats to use on practice and fun drumming. Took a white bucket, sharpy, and snips then got two 12`s. One thick (18) with large bell, the other much thinner(16) with small bell.
Don`t know what I`ll end up with yet because they are at the shop over the weekend hanging waiting to be edged and maybe, ..just maybe meet a 24 ounce small sledge for tuning.
Never done it before, I will post pics soon and let you all know if they will fit in the junkyard collection as hats. I been swinging a hammer all my life on cars and homes. It`ll get beat on.