The groove just doesn't come until you close your eyes and let the music play you...? My entire life of musicality has revolved around the groove...and allowing the music to come before the ego. My understanding of performance is that in order to get in the groove, you must first allow the groove to take over, to be, to take it's rightful place, at the center of the performance. We must realize, we are either playing 3:30, or we are playing 4/4...-ish or "The Eleven", and in the middle of the groove, pockets lined with goodness. Because, when we try to direct the beat, rather than allowing the beat to direct the groove, we fight time and torment the guitar.
When we open our minds and close our eyes, majic happens....ever notice that? Let the music play the band, and majic will happen around you.
That is the premise of a band I have known for years, "Perpetual Groove" out of, all places, surprise, surprise, Athens. I knew these guys would do well when they were young, but today they have figured out the fine art of the groove, and how to allow it to perform the task of musicality, rather than laboring over the headache of keeping time.
I have always known one thing, when you are in the groove, rather than trying to create the groove, majical music happens. And afterall, isn't that what we have been chasing all of our lives..? Or you do prefer strict, tight neckties and plain white starch around your "music"?
I know that not everyone prefers to live in the groove, but it is what we all desire, deep inside our darkest the 70s thing, put on some 'phones and listen with your mind, eyes closed.
(I know how to spell...I prefer to spell it that way, thank very much, English majors....)
Choose your own groove to "get it".