Watching on Youtube recently,

B/W tv studio&live concert footage of both the late&great Otis Redding&Elbert"Woody" Woodson.I was blown away,dumbfounded,loss (t) for words&speechless of both's performances&"Woody's" drum sound.Especially his kick&snare i could see that the kit's a Gretsch RB or SB?,

&Appeared/looked like/seemed to be: 20",12" rack tom (8X12) &14X14" floor tom& a metal (aluminium/brass or COB)? snare drum.His cymbals appeared/looked liked&seemed&sounded like "A" Zildjians on the medium-thin or thin maybe etc on the heavy side sound wise?.Does anyone know what sticks he used with Otis&heads&hardware (appeard/looked like/seemed to be Gretsch) &heads (coated Ambassadors &clear Ambassadors?) with Gretsch logo coated full front head.I think the color of his kit was tangerine?&the snare either a Ludwig Acrolite or Suprahonic?.Anyone know what exact/precise cymbal sizes they are in the 1966/1967 tv/live footage shot in Olympia Paris France?.