This is a very odd set which could not have been bought new in its current configuration. The mounted concert toms are very early "Big R" series, probably 1976 by their 5-digit "D" serial numbers; however, from the hex spurs and the script Rogers badge, the bass drum is an earlier "Swivo" era model (a 9/72 series from 1972-75). This bass would have had a factory installed Swivo tom mount on it, and that Swivo mount would not be compatible to the Big R mounts on the toms. This explains why someone removed the original Swivo tom mount and replaced it with the Ludwig tom mount. I believe that's also a Ludwig Hercules tom stand holding the two larger concert toms.
Sorry to say, but even with that nice Swivo-ero script-badge Dynasonic, the modifications to the Rogers shells devalue this set quite a bit, and the fact that concert toms are no longer in high demand doesn't help the desirability factor. Don't know what those cymbals are which you're including, so it's very difficult to determine overall value or what you should be asking.
Do not be discouraged. There's a buyer for this set out there somewhere. Maybe some of the Rogers experts here might chime in.