I am in the proccess of restoring my 60's COB Dynasonic. The dynasonic snare frame was not included when I originally obtained the drum. I am not too woried about this as I am it is a player drum, and not strictly a collection piece.
As I was putting it all back together this morning, I noticed the bottom snare hoop was bent and did not make a perfect circle. I applied presure and can not seem to get a perfect circle .
So my question are #1 Do I continue to attempt to make the hoop perfectly round, or do I try to track down a replacement hoop on ebay or some place.
Question # 2: If it is possible for me to get the sanre hoop referctly round, and without the use of the original snare frame, will the snares fit flush againgst the bottom head, or will there be some lift at the bearing edges ?
If so, should I look for a more traditional bottom snare hoop that will work?
Thanks, Paul