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Drum Timeline - Forum Input and Corrections



Recently I have been getting more questions on the Drum Timeline.

This of course is not my work and the information has been sited.

I would like to take it to the next step and see if we can fill in some items and add to the 1980's, 1990's and 2000's since many people still want to know what is happening with Slingerland, Rogers etc...

So if you can start adding things to this forum then I can update that list and see if we can make it even bigger and better.




This is the same link above. Click Here

Posted on 18 years ago

2006 - Rogers Property is owned by Yamaha

2006 - George Way name and Property owned by Ronn Dunnett

Posted on 18 years ago
Posts: 5176 Threads: 188

The end is nigh!LoLoLoLo Laughing H Burger Kin

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 18 years ago

If the end involves a double Whopper with cheese and a large french fry, then I'm in!!

That little BK head always makes me laugh.


Posted on 18 years ago


Check your PM's.

Posted on 18 years ago

I don't know if you're doing American drums only but you can find Sonor badge info at


Posted on 17 years ago

Hey, I noticed you had Eames on there. I bet Joe Mac would be more than happy to help. Hes a great guy and I actually need to pay him a visit soon to have him tuck me some calf heads on some 50's Eames drums I just bought. He certianly is the man in the Boston area when it comes to custom and vintage drums.

His website is and his email is [email][/email].

Good luck on your timeline!

-Matt Kinel

Posted on 17 years ago

Got a couple of badge corrections as well - wrong place. Both Camco comments - the round badge was, by the information and personal experience (not to mention checking catalogues), only in use from around 67 to 69 and only for Oaklawn (despite what it might say in certain source books) and the final black one was the one Tama used on their kits - so technically speaking these were after the end of Camco as we know it.

Based purely on my experience of having seen a lot of these babies over the years.

Posted on 17 years ago

Thanks guys, I will revisit the timeline and make the necessary changes.


Posted on 17 years ago

I noticed you have a flyer in the George Way section of the vintage drum guide that states coming soon bass drums & tom toms on or about November 20th 1957 yet in the timeline it states 1959.

In 1961 George Way made a lot of changes. He introduced 20" bass drums, 14x14 floor toms, single ended turret lugs, Tuxedo lugs and changed from 3ply shells to 4ply shells.

I talked with a fellow Camco collector and he had met an ex-employee that worked for Camco during the Chanute era ('71-'73) and he said he was ordered to throw away boxes of Oval Oaklawn badges into the dumpster. I'm sure with that knowledge the oval badge was used up until the move to Chanute which was mid 1971. The starting date has always been a mystery. I've heard '69 many times but nobody seems to know for sure.

When Beckman took over Camco in '73, the Tuxedo lugs and line were dropped.

1957 George Way BDP 26" concert bass drum
1959 George Way BDP 22/12/16 w/ 5.5x14
1959 George Way Green Sparkle 22/12/16 w/5.5x14
1961 George Way Blue Sparkle 20/12/15
1961 George Way Jelly Bean 20/12/14 w/4.5x14
1960’s Camco Oaklawn Champagne 20/12/14/16w/5x14
1971-73 Camco Chanute Walnut 24/14/18 w/5x14 COB
Posted on 17 years ago
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