I am not very adept at computer techniques. But, I wanted to make a composite picture of the five drum sets that I currently own following a big downsizing from thirteen vintage drum sets.
I didn't know how to cut and paste digital pictures on to one page. So, I printed out five pictures, and literally taped them to one sheet of paper. Then I made a copy of that collage to save on my computer.
The drum sets are clockwise from upper left:
1963 Leedy Shelly Manne set--Black Diamond Pearl--20-13-16-matching Shelly Manne snare
1966 Rogers Top Hat--Silver Sparkle-20-two 12s-16--chrome Powertone snare
1950's Gretsch cocktail--Sky Blue Pearl--14x24-8" bongo tom-10" home-made snare
Late 60s Slingerland Red/White/Blue Pearl--20-12-14-various snares
Orphan Leedy drums Re-wrap White 3-D Moire--18-11-16--Matching Camco Tuxedo snare in original White 3-D Moire