I've been receiving some conflicting information regarding how the actual value of a vintage Rogers kit is determined. I realize that to most collectors, a kit that was originally purchased "whole" originally is worth more than one that was "piece-mealed." However, in cases where kits are piece-mealed is it wiser to build a kit with the same "model" or a kit from the same "era"?

For example, if I've got one vintage Rogers piece to start with and it happens to be a Holiday model floor tom from the Cleveland era, should I be looking for additional "Holiday" model pieces to complete the kit or should I be looking for additional "Cleveland era" pieces to complete the kit, regardless of the models?

Obviously, in a perfect world, I'd want Cleveland era Holiday models but we all realize that "you can't always get what you want."

I'd also like to get the "experts" opinions on whether they even believe that it's advisable to "peace-meal" vintage kits.

As usual, all input is encouraged and appreciated!Help2