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Destroying Round Badge Gretsch


Only Louie Bellson could make "That Great Gretsch Hardware Failure" look so cool! (see video at 2:23) I wonder if this is what made him switch to Rogers!

What do you say, Gretsch addicts? 13-13-16-16-24-24 in White Marine Pearl? Looks to me like two identical kits sammitched together. Either way, what a brilliant drummer and innovator. And chops from hell! I'm surprised not more people on this forum talk about Louie.


Posted on 13 years ago

Louie is one of my all time favs, he's class!! and a gentleman! the kit was of course custom made but you could look at it as essentially two kits assembled together!

Your drummers not much good is he!? What you need is someone that's as good as me. ! John Henry Bonham !!
Posted on 13 years ago

very cool vid.

thanks for sharing!

Posted on 13 years ago

Speaking about Louie...

Later in the 70s right before he changed to Pearl, he used a Slingerland "Explosion" kit from 1979, which included a 12 lug, chrome/wood Spitfire snare. This kit had earlier been used by Buddy Rich.

Thanks for posting.


Posted on 13 years ago

I am always amazed at how much showmanship those guys had to compliment the chops. More amazing was that they all did it in a suit and tie!

Posted on 13 years ago

That was terrific!

thank you


Posted on 13 years ago

Fantastic, thanks!

Get off! Get your f**in' clothes and get off! Right now! Pull the f**in' bus over! -Buddy Rich
Posted on 13 years ago
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