I definitely see both sides to this argument! Still, they are your drums and you're free to do whatever makes you happy. The "Norma" badge, in and of itself, is pretty cool...and rare. I'm amazed that you would even have a spare "Norma" badge! Given that, sure, go ahead and put it on that "Vibra" tom. Who's it going to hurt?!! Is the "Vibra" badge attached with an eyelet grommet with fold-out wings? If so, odds are good that one, or both wings will break when removed. Just be careful! For myself, my eyes would be drawn to the cool "Norma" badges and not the differences in the lugs. Post some pictures of the two toms next to each when/if you decide to switch badges. Good luck!-Mark
The extra Norma badge came from a beat up old rack tom that I bought for next to nothing. I actually bought it for the lugs in case I should ever need one and the badge was just icing on the cake. The seller probably could have sold just the badge only and gotten more money.
The Vibra "badge" is actually just a sticker, so with a little work it should come right off. There are no pesky high brow grommets to worry about either on this MIJ.:D
Yeah, I'm leaning heavily now on putting the badge on. I like the visual it would create as well. Thanks for chiming in Mark!