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Concert Toms: Pearl/Maxwin/Westbury/CB700/Royce


I'm putting together a sort of ''poor man's Octaplus'', with cheap lauan-shelled concert toms made by Pearl from the 70's/80's. So far I've accumulated 8'', 10'', 12'', 13'', 14'' and 16'' toms. 

I'd love to find a 15'' concert tom to complete the set. If it happened to come in a pair with another 14'' or 16'' I would definitely take that too. I've seen these same concert toms with Pearl, Maxwin, Westbury, CB700 and Royce badges. Badge and color are not important at all, as long as it's a 15'', or 14'' & 15'' pair, or 15'' & 16'' pair. Thanks! 🙂



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557.7 kB
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Posted on 9 months ago

Some more examples of these I've found on the internet (none are mine): 

4!.jpeg  5!.webp  






6!.webp  7!.webp  8!.webp  


















11!.webp  12!.jpeg  

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Posted on 9 months ago
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