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Buyers and Sellers, learn who you are dealing with


This link takes you to many of the sellers on this forum where they have posted some information about their services.

1. Always check feedback on eBay

2. Protect your purchase by using Pay Pal if possible.

3. Get a tracking number.

4. Get a time commitment on the transaction

5. Ask for an email address and a phone number for reference.


Posted on 14 years ago

This is just an FYI - If any seller on this forum asks you to make the payment as a GIFT for items they are selling you, DO NOT do that on big ticket items.

If you make the payment as a gift you will not be able to get a refund or collect any money if there are problems with the transaction.

Pay Pal WILL NOT help you.

Please be careful.


Posted on 13 years ago
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