Took a chance on a cymbal on ebay. No make noted and can't see a stamp from the rather low quality photos (See below). At the very least I figured it's B20 Bronze from the looks of it. Could be an A. Zildjian too. I figured it was worth taking a chance on for my winning bid of $41.
First off, it was described as an 18" Symbol, LOL. It could be an 18", but from the photos it seems to be more 20 or 22-ish, especially the photo of it on the couch, no?
The reason I am maybe thinking Super Zyn is that in all three photos, especially photos 2 and 3 it appears to have a slight downturn at the edge of the cymbal, almost like those Sabian Sound Control Crashes. I have a 22" Super Zyn that I found at an old Mom & Pop music store years ago that I love, and it has a pretty distinct downturned edge also. Maybe it's just the lighting or the photos, but it looks like a downturned edge to me. My Super Zyn is also pretty A. Zildjian-esque looking, and this one fits that bill too.
What do you think? Any guesses on the brand or even it's size? It shipped out yesterday and it's coming from Philly and I am in SW Ohio, so I should get it before the weekend. I'll post more photos when it arrives.