Hi there. I have a cymbal that measures just under 14" and weighs approximately 1250 grams. There is no stamp, but there is a signature under the bell that is very faded. I was able to make out the word Constantinople however. I did some research online to find out if it's a K Zildjian Constantinople, but I'm still not sure. I found a signature that matches the faded signature on my cymbal. Here are two photos. The more legible of the two is the image I found online. The first photo is the cymbal that I own. It was hard to photograph the faded signature, but it is certainly a match with the other photo. I've taken my research as far as I can go with it so now I'm calling in the big guns on VDF to chime in and give some thoughts on the attached signature. I can see the word "Zentan", but I can't find any information on Zentan. There is a "K" in there too, but I can not make out the rest of it.
Any information would be great. I'd like to have an idea of the decade of manufacture.
It's a nice cymbal by the way and I have it matched up with a K Istanbul from the 50's as a pair of hats 1150 gram K over this 1250 gram mystery cymbal which is the exact same diameter as the old K. Nice hi hats on the heavy side.
Thanks in advance for any information on this signature.