My floor tom has 4 out of 16 of the lugs busted up, and my bass needs at least two. I'm having a hard time thinking about what it might cost to replace them all and keep a couple of the ugliest in reserve just in case they pop.

I know the repro's are going to stand out all bright and shiny but thought I could rub some wax or something on them to make them look oxidized and for 4 bucks each I'm sure I could replace every one on the tom and bass for what it would cost to pick up old ones on ebay just to replace what's broken.

I'm thinking buy the repro's now so I can get the drum put back together and playing, and buy what I can find they come up for sale and are reasonably priced.

I was going to post this in the Wanted section but am afraid of the sticker shock and then bailing and buying new ones so I can get the drum together to start playing it.

Do shiny new repro's look bad when the rest the metal is a bit pitted and not chrome?