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Bass Heads


When purchasing a new bass head or skin, is there a difference between the batter head and the resonant head or the front and back skins? There are many conflicting views concerning this topic. Thanks.

Just a drummer who loves all things about vintage drums! Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 3972 Threads: 180

Yes. Indeed there are. If the bass pedal beater is striking the Reso head, you're on the wrong side of the kit and at a very wild party.

Actually, the only diff between the two (not counting the obvious display logos and artwork) is usually thickness. This is where the party lines are drawn. Do you go thick on the batter or thick on the reso or thick on both or thin on both or thin coated on the batter or thin coated on the reso or ported on the reso blah blah blah. That's really about it. There's options and then there's options. The heads fit the same.

p.s. I wouldn't go ported on the batter.

Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 2628 Threads: 40

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Trying to glean the intent of the question, here....

I think what you are asking is whether there are specific heads for res and batter ? Nowadays there are, yes...but IMHO it's just a bit of marketing silliness.

Any head can be used for batter or res.....but as McJ said, generally the res is gonna be lighter/thinner than the batter. Or in some cases they may be equal weight. But, for example, you wouldn't usually go with a heavy 2-ply with sound rings on a resonant head, y'know ???? Although it would make a good batter....

I guess the only other thing would most cases, a smooth white wouldn't be used as a batter head, they are usually used as res heads. Likewise, most res heads aren't clear.

Hey...this can go on and on, now that I think about it....;)[/COLOR]
Posted on 14 years ago

Or you can do what I did on this last kit, and take the old, 50 year old head, give it a goodKleening spray a little rustoleum on it,Party and hope for the best.....Keep on Pl It worked on this old, worn out head. I actually got a great resonance out of it. Sometimes we try something just for a good photo opJumping2, and it ends up revamping an old part we really had no idea or thought of revamping. And it does resonate like a new coated head would, very nicely thank you....Yes Sir

"Ignorance may be overcome through education. Stupidity, however, is a lifelong endeavor." So, educate me, I don't likes bein' ignant...
"I enjoy restoring 60s Japanese "stencil" drums...I can actually afford them..."I rescue the worst of the old valueless drums for disadvantaged Children and gladly accept donations of parts, pieces and orphans, No cockroaches, please...
Posted on 14 years ago
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