Hi there, this is my first post as a new member in the forum, and have quite a few questions to ask, starting with this one!
I have recently inherited my late uncles drum gear. I was told he was a popular jazz drummer in his time (in our local area), and also played as a snare drummer in the army. having passed away in the early 80's, all of this gear has been hidden away in storage, only for us to find it a couple months ago.
included in the cymbals i have, is a 20" Chinese, with the only labelling saying B20 by sabian, 20" cm.50 chinese.
nowhere on the cymbal can i find the brand tosco written, which is where id like to ask if anyone have any more information, as the only info i can find so far is involving sabian buying the italian company tosco, later furthering production in canada, with lower quality cymbals.
any help would be much appreciated and i will upload pictures as soon as possible. thanks