Great!! Is yours stiff? My trans 24" is 3100g and stiffer than 50s 24", 3400g.I can bend 50s easily but very hard the trans 24". The edge of trans is really thin. I don't know why.the sound? it's the best I've ever heard.but 24" is too large!!
No, this one's not stiff at all. Buttery is the operative word here.
Actually most old A's from the 50's seem to be unusually thin right at the edge.
This is not ony because A's were made with "taper" in them, which means heavier towards the bell....but also because the last lathe line that they cut into the cymbal at the very edge angles down and lessens the thickness there too. For example I have a 21" large stamp that weighs 2540 grams, and yet looking at the edge you almost swear it was a paper thin.