[COLOR=black]Well, things are progressing as planned with the server changes etc... [/COLOR]

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[COLOR=black]If any one has any questions about web design, logos, web sites, servers, forums, shopping and e-commerce, key word bidding, meta tags and relevancy, search engine ranking, graphic manipulation or any question about the Internet please feel free to ask.[/COLOR]

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[COLOR=black]I have helped many people free of charge to get them going in the right direction and I?m willing to share my knowledge.[/COLOR]

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[COLOR=black]I recently started a new project for Puresound Percussion and I?m finishing up a web site for a new product in the drum market.[/COLOR]

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[COLOR=black]Other then that I have not been doing much on the web site, but have major ambitions to get some work done soon. [/COLOR]

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