Hi all,
and thanks a lot for your nice comments!Clapping Happy2Clapping Happy2
Nice job on a unique kit. The double tom holder design seems a bit convoluted but you've made it work. It looks like something from the 60's but as you mentioned, dating that kit could be difficult.
Yes, the holders look kinda weird - but all I did was to twist both brackets symmetrically to approx. 40° from their primal position (horizontal dir.). What makes all look a bit strange is that the bracket that holds the 13" itself has a more flat angle to the BD as the one of the 12" (vertical dir.). And - as you stated - now it works! Funny, such an "easy-to-do"-solution...
At the moment I´m working on the bearing edges. Next step after that will be to clean and polish everything. I´ll post more pics when all is done.