Just wondering if anybody around this forum would know about this..

A nice late 80's-early 90's Gretsch kit my Father bought 2nd hand came with "techware" stands- Two semi-booms, one straight, and one hi hat stand.

We didnt get the gretsch pedal but i do have an old floating action which is nice.

Anyway, The techware stuff is nice but you dont see alot of it around. I have noticed other drum brands for sale with similar hardware, notably North Drums and Corder sometimes.

Did all these companies source their hardware from the same manufacturer?

Its funny how after all those years of having sub-standard hardware, Gretsch finally came out with decent stuff and then all of a sudden dropped it in favor of gibraltars' stuff.

Is there any signifigant collector value to the techware stuff?

I think alot of people dont think of having the factory supplied hardware package until years down the road when it costs an arm and leg to find it all.

Sorry as this is not truly a "vintage" question but you guys here seem to know alot more about originality and such, and this kit is getting near the Vintage age