Hi I have a 22 inch Zildjian made in Canada and i was wondering if someone know what is the value of it ???
22" Zildjian made in canada ???
It's basically the branch of the company that became Sabian. I'm not aware of there being a premium or a deduct for Zils made in Canadadia.
What Mr Crunch said seems a good summary. Being Canadian doesn't fetch a significant premium on price for those. There are a few people who want to collect a matching set, but not enough to shift the expected price.
Just search sold auctions which have completed on eBay for any A (or Avedis) Zildjian 22" cymbals from the 70s or 80s. That should give you some idea of the expected price range.
Usually same...it's an early 70s...usually lighter then there USA counterparts..
Value is @$120/150..

1964 Cleveland,.18/14/12 in WMP
1966 Cleveland, 20/14/12 O'natural.
Fullerton,...20/16/13/12 Silver Glass
1957 B/R Super Classics In WMP
Wood & COB Powertones,
Wood & COB Dynasonics,
57 Jazz Festival
Zildjian avedis cymbals.
40s/60s era.
Psst...being Canadian...I did notice that the c in your title wasn't a C.... :(

1964 Cleveland,.18/14/12 in WMP
1966 Cleveland, 20/14/12 O'natural.
Fullerton,...20/16/13/12 Silver Glass
1957 B/R Super Classics In WMP
Wood & COB Powertones,
Wood & COB Dynasonics,
57 Jazz Festival
Zildjian avedis cymbals.
40s/60s era.
Unless it's a Canadian K...
Im Canadian !!! But sorry for the C ...
Actually, in Canadia, since the only popular music involves playing a frozen elk with hockey sticks while rattling Molson's cans together, the Zildjian family primarily produced these large bronze platters to be used as the poutine font in traditional Canadian mating ceremonies.
It's sad how little Americans know about their proud yet modest neighbors to the north.
Hahaha !!!
Wow! Poutine mating ritual! This titillates me and makes me hungry at the same time!
1970 Ludwig Blue Oyster Super Classic
1977 Rogers Big R Londoner 5 ebony
1972/1978 Rogers Powertone/Big R mix ebony
60's Ludwig Supersensitive
Pearl B4514 COB snare ( the SC snare)
Pearl Firecracker
PJL WMP maple snare
Odds & Sods
Sabians, Paistes, Zildjians, Zyns, UFIPs, MIJs etc
Item may be subject to change!
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